The Human:

Nana Chidi - Best of Two Worlds

Written by Alexander Ogunmola and Young Eta

In a world where passions often collide, Nana Chidi stands as a living testament to the art of balancing two loves - music and football. Meet the man who has defied the odds, paving his own unique path as both a musician and a footballer.

As I sat down with Nana for an exclusive interview, his warm smile and friendly demeanor put me at ease. His journey began with an uphill battle - finding the delicate equilibrium between two intense pursuits. "It's really hard to find the balance between two things you love doing," he confessed, a glint of determination in his eyes. "But I try to do them both at the same time."

Nana's eyes lit up as he recounted his daily routine. "When I’m at the gym, mostly on the treadmill, working on my pace for the field, I listen to instrumentals and beats that I plan to record upon," he shared. It was a fascinating insight into his world, how he weaved his two passions together seamlessly. "This helps me keep in flow and not neglect one over the other."

Yet, as he humbly admitted, maintaining a perfect 50/50 balance is an elusive dream. Life's demands often lead to clashes between his football commitments and music engagements. One vivid example was the time when he had a festival performance lined up in Vancouver during the same weekend as a crucial football tournament. The choice he had to make was not an easy one.

He explained, "There were other players that could fill in for me on the field, but not for the performance. So, I chose the festival." In that moment, it was evident that each decision he made was a result of deep contemplation and a sincere understanding of what mattered most at that particular juncture.

Talking about his latest single, "Whine 2," Nana's face lit up with excitement. He said, "It's a sequel to 'Whine,' and it's inspired by my experiences as a musician and footballer." As an artist, he knew the importance of immersing himself in the world outside, and through that journey, he found inspiration in the vibrant lifestyle and the people he encountered. "The song celebrates the joy of life and the incredible women I've met along the way."

What struck me most was how Nana saw the natural complement between his music and football. "They’re both communities, and there’s an intersection in these communities," he said. Playing football opened doors to connections with people who had a shared interest in music - producers, promoters, and even DJs. These connections became invaluable, propelling his musical career forward.

As both his music and football careers continued to gain momentum, I couldn't help but wonder how he planned to balance them in the long term. Nana smiled thoughtfully. "The way I live my life is just to do what I love doing and what I enjoy doing," he explained. It was evident that his passion and authenticity were the cornerstones of his success.

"In the long term, I’m just going to keep doing these things I love," he continued. "As time goes on, experience will be gained, connections will be made, and it’s going to get easier to balance these two things."

Nana Chidi's story is not just about chasing dreams but also about embracing them fearlessly. He taught me that finding balance isn't about achieving perfection but about recognizing the ebb and flow of life and making the choices that resonate with your heart.

As our interview concluded, I couldn't help but feel inspired by Nana's journey. He's not just the human balancing music and football; he's a symbol of the human spirit, pushing boundaries and defying convention.


A Place of Rage:


“Beggie Beggie”