Mr Sapa:

He was the cause all along

Written by Alexander Ogunmola and Young Eta

In a town overshadowed by despair, lives a man named Sapa, who orchestrates a grim symphony of misery. With each nocturnal visit, he plunges vulnerable families further into the abyss of poverty. His relentless pursuit of money comes at a cost too steep for those already struggling to make ends meet. The money he forcibly extracts translates to missed meals, forsaken necessities, and perpetuates the cycle of destitution. Sapa isn't just a name; he's a harbinger of despair, a symbol of greed preying on the powerless.

But within this darkness lies a glimmer of light - wit and humor as weapons against the insurmountable sorrow. Amidst their struggles, the community weaves tales that dance on the edges of irony, using laughter as their shield. They jest about Sapa's audacity, creating a bond that stands tall in the face of adversity. Their resilience, garnished with humor, gives them a rare strength to withstand the storm Sapa brings.

As the moon casts shadows, Sapa's true form is unveiled. His actions, once seemingly monstrous, are humanized by the despair he perpetuates. The town's folk personify poverty's grip - doors creaking with hunger, windows shutting out opportunities, and streets echoing the loneliness of forgotten dreams. Poverty isn't just a concept; it's a living, breathing force that thrives within their community.

Sapa's reign of terror, however, is not his own doing alone. The puppeteers in power command him to ensure their interests are secured. The sinister orchestration is punctuated by a twisted ritual, marked by a morbid currency of blood and dollars. The elite, politicians, and inner-circle members carve a permanent reminder on their bodies, ensuring Sapa's selective blindness to their amassed wealth. It's a gruesome alliance that binds the powerful and the pitiable, revealing the wicked underbelly of a society consumed by its own darkness.

As the cycle repeats, the families endure not only Sapa's extortion but the collective weight of generations trapped in this never-ending struggle. The town is a silent witness to their suffering, its walls bearing the tales of countless lives marred by systemic oppression.

Yet, there's hope. The very existence of humor, the power of unity, and the tenacity to overcome adversity demonstrate the unbreakable spirit within this community. This is a beacon, illuminating the path towards breaking free from the clutches of Sapa and his puppet masters. It's a call to arms, urging those suffering to stand united, to share their stories, and to reclaim their mantle.




A Place of Rage: