Western Saviour Complex:

Role of Entrepreneurship in a New and Growing Africa

Written by Alexander Ogunmola and Young Eta

It may be a controversial stance, but we believe that the solution to poverty in Africa cannot be solved through charity alone. Many developed countries have a savior complex toward African nations, but this approach is not sustainable in the long term.

The continent is rich in natural and mineral resources, yet it remains poor because these resources are often exported for profit by developed countries. This perpetuates the misconception that nothing good can come from Africa and disregards the abundance of talent on the continent.
One of the main reasons for this is the lack of value-addition to the resources extracted. Developed countries often import raw materials from Africa and then add value to them through manufacturing and processing. This results in a significant markup in the final product, and the profits are not shared equitably with the countries of origin. This system has been in place for centuries, and it has led to a situation where Africa remains the poorest continent despite its wealth of resources.

That's why concepts like businesses and entrepreneurship are crucial for Africa's development. By creating value-added businesses that process and manufacture resources locally, Africa can retain more of the profits generated from its resources. This will create jobs and stimulate economic growth, which in turn will lead to a reduction in poverty. Additionally, expecting less from developing countries only perpetuates poverty, especially among the continent's youthful population. A large percentage of Africa's population is under the age of 25 and they represent the future of the continent.

To capture the economic potential of Africa, it is important to think past established mindsets and seize opportunities for growth and development. Entrepreneurship can open up new avenues for growth, and it can also lead to the creation of new industries. Additionally, by encouraging entrepreneurship, Africa can build a culture of innovation and self-reliance. This will not only help to reduce poverty but also create a more dynamic and resilient economy.

Instead of waiting for external help, it is time for Africa to inspire and create change from within. By liberating the imaginations of individuals, we can inspire and liberate the creativity and ambition of the continent as a whole. Let's start a new dialogue and build a culture of co-creation and mutual inspiration. We can inspire the youth and show them that anything is possible with hard work and determination. The future of Africa is in their hands, and it is time for them to seize it and make it their own. Let's work together to build an Africa that is not only free of poverty but also one that is rich in opportunity and growth.


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